Braha is at "war" continued to age and the law of gravity, because the singer is ever renewed, while stating that everything is natural, so no plastic surgery on her face or body. If you remember the singer's sensual photos on the coast, which have served before them, have probably wondered what was the picture before which the singer who has broken with the 40-s time has posed as freely.
Here we learn that the photographer was just Naim Abazi, no less than her husband. These photos, through which showed Mihrija can worthily compete in the music market with every new girl singer, and brought reactions were also commented on women artists, even to those who came from a show dealing with beauty and music today.
But, according to some information, has been Naimi, Mihries husband, who has fired these provocative pictures during the summer, when they were on the coast. Naim thumbs are rarely men like you!